Four weeks have passed since protests have blown up in Paris and what were the results? Complete Chaos is the answer. The protest had started due to a tax increase on fuel but was quickly hijacked by far-right, far-left, anarchist and libertarian gangs.
Since the protesters have presented themselves by putting on yellow vests, these hijackers found it easy to impersonate them while going on their rampage of vandalisation and violence with the authorities.
All this resulted in an environment of pure anarchy and chaos, the initial message has become obscured and all of this was the result of a politician actually taking charge against climate change. This has made ending the chaos much more difficult as know the main group has lost complete control and so cannot calm the protest leaving the government with the only option of using police force to calm the situation but it is unsure however if this method will be as efficient in the long tun.
France has also opened an inquiry into possible Russian interference in the gilets jaunes movement following reports that Moscow-based social media accounts have targeted protesters.
"The aftermath of these 'protests' is unknown as the physical damages on their own shall be a large burden for the French government to bear. The finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, said the civil unrest was a “catastrophe for our business and a catastrophe for our economy”. He spoke of a “social crisis, a democratic crisis and a crisis for the nation”. - From the Guardian article
Macron now seems to be walking on thin ice as European parliament elections are near and far-right and far-left parties gathering more and more support, he must not only safe his career but also the possible democratic future of the European Union. The French president truly has a lot of work to do and if God permit, I hope he succeeds.
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